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Writer's pictureJulia Kozelka

The Scale Is A Tool, Not Your Enemy

Updated: Jul 22, 2020

How many times have you stepped on the scale only to see your weight went up a pound or two?

First, let’s talk about your mindset when it comes to the scale. Keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. When you first start an exercise routine, you’re going to be putting on muscle. This could mean that your body is going to change, even if the scale remains the same. This is known as body recomposition. Many women and men have this goal weight in their head. “if only I get to —lbs ill be happy.” “I felt my best at —lbs” Now there is obviously a difference between the average person and someone over weight or obese, but for the average person, You may look your best 10lbs heavier with more muscle!

The take-away from this is that you need to pay more attention to HOW you look and feel, NOT what the scale says. Progress pictures are the most effective way to see your body transform. In whatever journey your on, weight loss, muscle gain, or maintenance, use progress pictures to see the changes in your body. Most of you will be surprised at the changes your body has made even though the scale shows the same weight. Another awesome tool to use to see progress is to take measurements!. Grab a tape measure and measure your neck, shoulders, chest, arms and legs to further see how your body is changing. Also pay attention to how you feel. Are you crushing your strength goals in the gym? Are you running at a faster pace or longer distance?

The scale is a wonderful tool for data, but that’s it! Data. The scale is just a number. The biggest issue I see among clients is when the number on the scale changes the way they see themselves or feel the whole day. What people also don’t realize is that the scale doesn’t show your health. Being healthy should be your number one priority.

There are so many reasons for weight fluctuation on the scale that don’t involve gaining body fat (read my other article - “Weight Fluctuation and Why We Hold Water”)

Aside from just water weight, there are many more factors that could be causing the scale to move up and down.

1) Digestion. When did you eat last? Was it right before bed? If so, your more likely to have food still in your digestive track that caused an increase of weight the next morning

2) Sleep. The length of time you slept makes a huge difference in weight as well. If you wake up at 5am, you will probably be heavier than if you woke up at 9am. Get your 8hrs!

3) Stress. The more stressed you are, the more cortisol you body will release, and the slower you digestion will be. Stress does not help with a good night sleep either.

4) Inflammation. Did you just have a killer workout at the gym the night before? If so, you’re more than likely inflamed and holding water in the areas you worked out. This goes for any kind of workout, running included.

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